
Максим Руднев доставил в ДНР гуманитарную помощь для бойцов специальной военной операции

Максим Руднев доставил в ДНР гуманитарную помощь для бойцов специальной военной операции
Text: The head of the regional executive committee of the "United Russia" party, Maxim Rudnev, brought humanitarian aid to Donetsk and Mariupol participants in the special military operation, according to the Moscow Agency.

"We regularly bring assistance to fighters and residents of the region. This includes clothing, medicine, and much more. Another issue that was discussed this time with local authorities is the opening of a multifunctional for developing public initiatives called "House of NGOs," as well as a multimedia exhibition titled "Battlefield: Mariupol." The "House of NGOs" will become a platform for the development of public organizations and volunteer movements, as well as a center to attract young people want to contribute to the development of their native city," said Maxim Rudnev. The shipment included camouflage nets, construction tools, and building materials. According to Maxim Rudnev, these new centers will be an important stage in developing peaceful life in the largest cities in Donetsk People's Republic (DPR). He noted that in the next shipment planned for August, volunteers are also planning to deliver office supplies and other products needed before the start of the school year. Along with Maxim Rudnev, Chairman of the Board Association Sergei Ladochkin delivered humanitarian aid.
Earlier, Rud together with activists collected a shipment of humanitarian aid for SVR fighters and residents in the capital.

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